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Last week EEEGR held their last member breakfast of 2023, kindly sponsored by East Coast College.

The breakfast acted as the official launch of our newest sector council focusing on onshore renewables sbobet sports which has been established working in conjunction with Ceraphi Energy. 

To provide an overview and the aims of the sector council, we were joined by Karl Farrow of Ceraphi and steering committee members Paul Rees of SSE Energy Solutions and Andy Hilton of Muirhall Energy; key objectives include:

🌲 Focus sbobet sports on regional development of onshore renewables
🌲Supporting energy transition in the UK’s efforts to decarbonise onshore infrastructure.
🌲Providing energy security whilst enabling the energy transition.
🌲Attract investment and economic growth to the region

The group is sbobet sports open to anyone working in the onshore renewables sector – please contact Karen Freeman if you would like to be involved.

What is onshore renewables? Any energy collected from land-based resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, and thermal energy together with recoverable vbet casino energy that originates from a renewable source.

Karl And Presentation 2
Enegy Sector Councils Slide

Look out for more EEEGR member breakfasts in 2024 – and please let us know if you’d like to find out more about sponsoring one for us.