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Global controls technology sbobet sports specialist Proserv opened its east of England facilities for a summer networking event with RenewableUK.

RenewableUK’s Connect attracted guests from across the region and the UK to Proserv’s purpose-built base at Beacon Park, Gorleston, to network and find out more about the company’s specialisms, activities, partners and plans.

Its workshops were open sbobet review to tour with presentations about its pioneering holistic cable monitoring system (CMS), ECG™, designed to tackle critical challenges in the industry and was developed with the support of partners  ScottishPower Renewables and Equinor.

ECG™ analyses the condition and integrity of export and inter-array cables of wind farm using fibre optic cores within the sbobet mobile app cables detecting faults that could lead to failure and expensive down time.

The system has the potential to save operators hundreds of millions of pounds by avoiding lengthy down times.

Paul Cook, Vice President Renewables welcomed guests, outlining how ECG™ represented a step change in traditional monitoring methods, delivering comprehensive visibility vbet casino across cable assets as an integrated, scalable and multi-faceted single package. It is in place on Equinor’s Hywind Scotland with much potential in future floating wind farms as well as fixed bottom.

Guests also heard from RenewableUK Director of External Affairs Nathan Bennett.

Kevin Keable and Karen Freeman enjoyed catching up with the Proserv team sbobet login and partners Synaptic, EEEGR members, potential members and students currently with Equinor on The Ogden Trust summer coastal energy internship programme.

Huge thanks to all at Proserv and RenewableUK for a fantastic event. It was great to see new faces and catch up with old friends.

Another great event that we hope to see more in our region.