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Johan Castberg FPSO at Aker Solutions Stord, September 2023
Drone photo: sbobet review Jonny Engelsvoll & Lizette Bertelsen / Equinor

A new report shows that deliveries for exploration, development projects and operation of Equinor-operated fields and onshore facilities in Norway had a value of more than NOK 134 billion sbobet login in 2023, 94 per cent of which were invoiced by Norwegian suppliers.

Equinor plans to maintain its oil and gas production of around 1.2 million barrels per day from the Norwegian continental shelf towards 2035. At the same time, emissions sbobet review will be halved by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement. This results in a high level of activity in Norway and the ripple effect report shows increased activity. The largest increase is in exploration, of 26 per cent, which sbobet sports reflects increased exploration activity on the Norwegian shelf.