sbobet sports

It is a mysterious-looking structure gradually taking shape in the Lowestoft skyline – prompting sbobet review plenty of speculation about what it actually is.

And the truth is actually stranger than many of the suggestions.

For the peculiar, rocket-like tower nearing completion at the town’s port is actually one of the world’s first Direct sbobet sports Air Capture (DAC) facilities.

These devices use pioneering technology to extract carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, allowing the greenhouse gas to be stored.

The one being built at Lowestoft is a pilot project involving a consortium led by Sizewell sbobet mobile app C and Associated British Ports, which was awarded £3m to construct the plant.

Plans for the site – which includes a 45m air column, an office, storage cabin and control room – were lodged with East Suffolk Council in May last year and approved under delegated powers in July.

Read the full story here.