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Tickets are available now for our End of Year Awards Celebration & Dinner. sbobet sports|Home_8211, or scroll down for information on Award applications and Sponsorship opportunities.

Nominations are now being accepted for the east of England’s gala celebration of its vibrant and ambitious energy industry.

EEEGR’s End of Year Awards 2024 will take place once again at Dunston Hall, near Norwich, on Thursday December 5th, at what is planned to be the biggest and best ceremony yet.

This year, 10 awards will be presented recognising the outstanding businesses, individuals, innovation and inventions, products and services that make the east of England a national and international energy leader.

Applications can be submitted using this form, stating (in no more than 500 words) why you believe the Organisation/Individual you are nominating should win the award.

All awards (apart from the EEEGR Member of the Year) are open to all, members and non-members. Applications will be judged and shortlisted by an independent panel. The final decision on the winner will be made by the award sponsor.

The deadline for submitting applications is 31st October for all awards, with the exception of the STEM Educator Award which will close on 8th November.

The 2024 EEEGR End of Year Awards consists of 10 awards in the following categories:

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Apprentice Employer of sbobet mobile app the Year (Organisation)

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We are looking for companies who are making a significant contribution to our young people by offering and advocating apprenticeships in the region.

The judges will be looking at:

Company ethos on apprenticeships

Quality and level of training and ongoing support, mentorship and guidance

Ongoing career development, future training vbet casino and career opportunities once training is complete (please include any success stories to support this)

Efforts to include diverse apprentices

Addressing skills needed in the energy sector

Advocating for apprenticeships in the industry

Promoting social responsibility by helping underrepresented groups

EEEGR Member of sbobet mobile app the Year (Organisation)

This award was won by ASCO in 2023.

This award is chosen by the EEEGR team and is based on the outstanding level of contribution and support provided by an EEEGR member throughout the year.

Judging criteria based on:

Contribution to EEEGR objectives

Impact on the Energy Sector

Commitment to EEEGR objectives, collaboration and networking

Contribution to community and industry development

Going Green (Organisation) - sponsored by Ørsted

This award was won by TECOSIM in 2023.

Companies must demonstrate their dedication to combatting climate change, We would be pleased to hear on your plans, goals and commitment to achieving net zero emissions.

The judges will be looking at:

Clear commitment and progress toward achieving net-zero emissions

Implementation of energy-saving practices and technologies

Adoption and integration of renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind)

Commitment to working with environmentally responsible suppliers within the supply chain

Development or adoption of new technologies that contribute to sustainability

Creation of products or services that support a low-carbon future

Innovation (Organisation)

This award was won by RWE in 2023.

We are looking to hear about the best piece of physical or digital technology researched or developed over the last 24 months.

Judges will be focusing on:

Use of creative problem-solving or original thinking that sets the innovation apart from existing solutions

How well the innovation addresses key challenges or opportunities within the energy sector

sbobet sports Potential for the innovation to be widely adopted or scaled across the industry

The expected lasting impact of the innovation on the energy industry, including sustainability, efficiency, or cost savings

Positive impact on the environment, such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, or promoting renewable energy

Incorporation of sustainable practices in the development and deployment of the innovation

One to Watch (Organisation)

This award was won in 2023 by CeraPhi.

As a membership organisation we thrive on seeing our member companies grow and would be delighted to hear your future plans and initiatives on how you are taking your organisation to the next level.

The judging panel will be focusing on:

Introduction of new ideas or approaches that show significant promise for the future

Potential for scalability, growth and wider adoption within the industry

Evidence of positive outcomes or progress since the initiative’s inception

A well-defined vision for the future, with a strategic plan to achieve it

Demonstrated dedication to continuous improvement and scaling the initiative

Ability to pivot or adapt the initiative in response to industry changes

Potential for sustained impact as the industry evolves

Outstanding Contribution to Skills for Energy (Individual) - sponsored by OPITO

This award was won in 2023 by Best Proactive.

Contribution to learning, skills and development – how are companies helping the next generation of the energy sector.

The judging panel will be looking at:

Demonstrable enhancement of workforce skills and capabilities through the Skills for Energy programs

Evidence that the initiative addresses critical skills gaps and emerging needs within the energy sector

Long-term impact on the energy industry’s workforce, including increased job readiness, career progression, and sector growth

Successful collaboration with EEEGR members, industry partners, educational institutions, and other relevant organizations to support the Skills for Energy initiative

Active involvement in community-based projects or outreach programs that promote skills development vbet casino and career opportunities in the energy sector

Notable examples of individuals or groups who have significantly benefited from the Skills for Energy programs and achieved success in their careers

Positive Impact in the Community (Organisation) – sponsored by RWE


The judges will be looking for:

Level of involvement in community initiatives, including volunteering, partnerships, or sponsorships.

Engagement with local organizations, schools, or community groups to address specific needs.

Ongoing and sustained efforts to support the community, rather than one-time activities.

Clear evidence of positive outcomes, such as improved quality of life, economic development, or environmental benefits and efforts to ensure that the positive effects are long-lasting and continue to benefit the community over time.

Understanding and addressing specific community needs through targeted initiatives.

Ensuring that initiatives benefit a wide range of community members, including marginalized or underserved groups.

Encouragement and facilitation of employee participation in community-focused activities and involvement of other stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, or investors, in community impact efforts.

Integration of community support into the company’s values and day-to-day operations.

Rising Star (Individual)

This award was won in 2023 by Joe Whitley, ScottishPower Renewables.

We’re looking to hear about employees under the age of 25 who have been with their company less than 24 months but is showing real promise and development in the industry.

The judges will be looking at:

Career Progression: Rapid advancement or notable achievements early in their career, demonstrating potential for continued growth.

Problem-Solving: Ability to identify challenges and create effective solutions, showing resourcefulness and strategic thinking.

Influence and Inspiration: vbet casino Acts as a role model or inspiration to peers, encouraging others to excel and contribute positively.

Continuous Improvement: Ongoing pursuit of knowledge, skills, and professional development opportunities, including training, certifications, or further education.

Adaptability: Willingness and ability to learn new skills or adapt to changing industry trends and technologies.

Vision for the Future: Clear understanding of their career goals and a strategic plan for achieving them.

STEM Educator (Individual) – sponsored by OPITO

This award is new for 2024 and offers a prize of £2,500 for the winning school or college.

The OPITO ‘Energy Education Award’ is for excellence in a school or college delivery of engineering, design, tech, work experience and energy careers education and includes a prize of £2,500 for the successful winner.

We are looking to recognise an initiative or teacher that has inspired STEM excellence, increased STEM participation, connected careers to their STEM teaching or innovated. Applications are welcomed from schools and colleges in the East of England – the closing date for this award is Friday 8 November.

The shortlisted applicants will be invited to the Awards Dinner, courtesy of OPITO, taking place on Thursday 5 December at Dunston Hall Hotel.

Young Person of the Year (Individual) - sponsored by East Coast Energy Training Academy

This award was won in 2023 by Bretton Pickering, Apprentice Design Engineer at Aquaterra.

Do you have an outstanding young person in your organisation, i.e. an apprentice, someone spending a year in the industry or on a graduate program who deserves to be recognised? If so, this award could be for them.

Judging criteria based on:

Significant achievements or contributions in the energy industry, such as innovative projects, research, or outstanding sbobet sports performance in a role.

Evidence of rapid career progression and development in the energy sector.

Contributions that have a meaningful impact on the energy industry, including new ideas, technologies, or solutions that address current challenges.

Active participation in industry-related activities, such as conferences, forums, or professional networks.

Acts as a mentor or role model for peers or younger individuals interested in the energy industry.

Involvement in volunteer work or community projects that benefit local communities or support energy-related initiatives.

thanks to our sponsors

EEEGR One to Watch Winner 2023

“We were thrilled to receive the EEEGR Innovation Award in 2022, recognising CeraPhiWell™ as the industry’s standout technology.

The award marked a pivotal moment for CeraPhi Energy, 2023 was the year we embarked on groundbreaking projects.  The recognition not only celebrated our achievements but also signalled our commitment to pushing the boundaries of geothermal energy solutions and validated our position at the forefront of geothermal innovation.”

Karl Farrow

CEO – Founder, CeraPhi Energy

EEEGR Young Person of the Year Award Winner 2023

“It’s great to have an opportunity to have your efforts recognised by those around you, but also allowed for me to recognise others appreciation of my achievements.”

Bretton Pickering

Apprentice Design Engineer, Aquaterra Energy