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Global Underwater Hub represents the diverse range of businesses operating in the UK’s £8 billion underwater industry. We facilitate cross-collaboration and growth across the sbobet sports underwater industry which comprises offshore energy, aquaculture, oil & gas, defence, telecoms and subsea mining.
We provide companies, partners and government with strategic, commercially-driven market intelligence, access to expertise, contacts and specialist support sbobet mobile app to accelerate growth and build value in the UK’s underwater industry.

By offering infrastructure for collaboration, knowledge transfer and new insight, we help our members adapt to, benefit from, and contribute to the energy industry in transition.

sbobet mobile app Importantly, GUH is the champion for UK companies who are focussed on the growth and development of the global underwater industry.

Contact Details

Tel: 01224 506600


1 Abercrombie Court
Propsect Road
AB32 6FE